Welcome to SeenThis: Katherine Hunt

Tell us more about yourself. What is your title and role at SeenThis?
My name is Katherine Hunt and I'm a Sr. Technical Producer. I get to build ad creatives for all of our lovely clients.
What were you doing before joining our team?
Before working at SeenThis, I was at Nativo and Shopzilla for 7.5 years and 6.5 years respectively. Crazy how time flies!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love being outside! Walking in the woods is my favorite pastime, especially if I can take photos. Lately, I've also been training for a half marathon. I also like to write when I have time for it.

What appealed to you most about working at SeenThis?
I was excited about the technology and having the chance to do work that’s both creative and technical. I love our coding interface. I'm also super stoked that we're helping to reduce the CO2 levels in the digital advertising industry.
Do you have a special talent of some sort, or have you done something unusual or crazy that no one knows about?
Haha! I always feel a little awkward answering this type of question. But here are 3 random facts:
- Back in Uni, I was a bus driver. I drove 12 m transit coaches!
- I have a song on Spotify. It's a little overmixed, but that's life.
- I'm infamous among my friends for climbing things I shouldn't