Morgan: Head of Legal at SeenThis
What is your role at SeenThis? What were you doing before joining our team?
I'm Morgan, Head of Legal. Before SeenThis, I was at Klarna, a pretty exciting Fintech company.
What appealed to you most about working at SeenThis?
A bunch of things appealed to me, but ultimately, I found the SeenThis product hard to resist. I love that it’s a win in many ways: quality, speed, performance and to top it off, a smarter climate footprint.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I'd like to think I'm still a decent soccer player playing the veteran series. And I have a vice - if you want anything from me, give me some whipped cream and watermelon and I'll say yes - I love it!
If you had a personal quote, what would it be?
I live happily without thinking too much about mottos, though I like, "Do what you can with what you have," which reminds me to go for it without thinking too much about limitations or obstacles.
If you had a superpower at work, what would it be?
Some teleporting powers would be nice, to be able to instantly meet face-to-face with colleagues and customers around the globe.